Negotiation Skills Training Course

Negotiation Skills Training Course

Negotiation is an art, and this course is your palette. Study the hallmark traits and techniques of renowned negotiators and apply these principles to your own style. With a focus on strategic thinking and persuasive communication, you’ll learn to navigate negotiations to secure more advantageous deals and achieve outcomes that align with your goals.

Negotiation Skills Training Course
  • Traits Of A Top Negotiator

    This video looks at the traits of top negotiators as defined by hundreds of professional negotiators interviewed for the creation of this course...

  • Negotiator's Social Skills

    Great negotiators play well with others. This video examines how social skills can be manifested in a negotiation...

  • Additional Preparation Questions

    This video contains additional questions that should be researched for answers prior to any negotiation...

  • Boundaries

    A key to preparing for a negotiation is being able to define the boundaries of the negotiation and knowing the must haves‚ and the things you're prepared to concede...

  • Clarity

    In a negotiation it's vitally important to take responsibility for how we present ourselves. This includes body language, how we sound, our content meaning and what we say...

  • Closing

    The ideal end to a negotiation is when everyone is comfortable with the deal struck. But this is also when it can get tricky...

  • Control & Emotional Intelligence

    Understanding your emotions and knowing what might trigger them is key when it comes to dealing with feelings and keeping a negotiation productive when it gets challenging...

  • Opposition

    As part of preparing to negotiate, knowing your opposition is key. Understanding their temperaments, predilections, and cultural perspectives will stand you in excellent stead...

  • Know Your Subject

    A key to successful negotiations is being as prepared as possible about your subject. The more knowledge you have about what you're negotiating, the more tools you'll have at your disposal to win...

  • Listening - Negotiation Skills

    Listening builds rapport and a key advantage of rapport is trust...

  • Marketplace

    Marketplace' in a negotiation means a set of trading conditions or the business environment where the negotiation is taking place and that a good negotiator needs to be familiar with...

  • Phone Negotiations

    Face-to-face negotiations are nearly always better than phone negotiations, but sometimes they can't be avoided. This video explains what to do when you have to negotiate over the phone...

  • Email Negotiations

    Email negotiations should ideally be avoided, but if you do need to use email, here are some key things to stick to...

  • Buck Passing

    Buck passing is a tactic where a tough negotiation is avoided by the opposite party stating they can't make the decision because some third party has to sign off on it. This video looks at how to deal with it...

  • Concession Trading

    Psychologists refer to a phenomenon called reciprocity. In negotiations, we call it concession trading.

  • Good Cop/Bad Cop

    Good Cop/Bad Cop is an oldie but a goodie as they say. Two negotiators, one nice, one aggressive. Here's what to do...

  • More Tactics

    This video contains two final, but useful points about tactics.

  • Split Ends

    Once a deal is done, in principle it's tempting for people to relax, lower their guard, stop paying attention and assume it's a straight path to signing a final document. But is it?

  • Surprise Surprise

    The surprise/surprise is a last minute change in tactic designed to throw the other party in the negotiation.

  • The Blitz

    The blitz is when the other side use time as a way of rushing to close a negotiation. This video explores how to deal with it.

  • A Strategy For Success

    This video is full of tips to help you become a successful negotiator...

  • Actions - Negotiation Skills

    Start strengthening your negotiation skills by doing something consciously every day.