Mindfulness For Busy People Training Course

Mindfulness For Busy People Training Course

Feeling overwhelmed by a busy schedule? This course is designed for people like you who want to integrate mindfulness into their hectic lives. You’ll discover simple yet powerful techniques to stay present, reduce stress, and increase your focus. Through guided practices and practical tips, you’ll learn how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, helping you stay calm and centred even under pressure. By the end of this course, you’ll have a toolkit of mindfulness strategies to enhance your well-being and productivity, making your busy life more manageable and enjoyable.

Mindfulness For Busy People Training Course
  • What Is It?

    Jon Kabat-Zinn, creator of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, defines Mindfulness as 'Paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally.

  • Why Use It?

    The research is clear: only a few minutes of a mindfulness practise can improve your immune system and reduce stress by more than 20% - without changing the circumstances of your work and personal life.

  • Breaking Habits

    We're creatures of habit. We create and act upon familiar and habitual thoughts and behavioural patterns. Once these habits are formed, they're really hard to challenge and change.

  • Innovative Thinking

    Innovative thinking is the ability to have a different and unique perspective on problems and challenges; it's the ability to be creative and inventive and to assume an observer position, one that is less emotional and involves more advanced areas of the brain.

  • The ACC & The Insula

    A mindfulness practice has been shown to result in an increase in grey matter within the ACC, the executive centre of the brain. It's the job of the ACC to tone down the reactivity of the amygdala, and to help us make decisions in a more balanced and informed way.

  • The Amygdala

    A growing number of neuroscience studies have shown the impact a mindfulness practice has on key areas of the brain. This video explains the particular effect a mindfulness practise has on the amygdala - and why that matters.

  • Body Scan

    In this video, we're going to demonstrate a short version of the body scan. We'll perform a quick sweep, using our breath as a guide, starting from the feet and going through each area of the body.

  • Grounding Objects

    Focusing on the breath is not always easy, and a reminder is often needed to help the mind from wandering too far astray. A grounding object can help.

  • The Breath

    Following on from the Body Scan of the last video, we'll continue with some short Mindfulness practices. These are designed to increase 'grounded-ness', and to help anchor you in the present moment, thus creating a strong base from which to venture out and begin to change habits.

  • 3 Minute Breathing Space

    The 3-Minute breathing space is a short version of the formal mindfulness practice, and is the essence of all mindfulness practices.

  • Disrupting Habitual Thought Patterns & Belief Systems

    Our thoughts are often disguised as facts, and we tend to buy into their meaning. Because of this, we often act on these thoughts impulsively and instantaneously.

  • How To Integrate It In Your Life

    The best part about mindfulness is that it can be integrated into every aspect of your life, starting with the smallest activities, and gradually expanding into other more challenging areas until a formal practice is mixed with every activity at work and in your personal life.

  • Actions - Mindfulness For Busy People

    Now, please take the exercises outlined in this video series and put them into practice as often as you can. Notice the changes in your levels of happiness and satisfaction, and begin to track your success at work. Don't be surprised if you noticed a direct correlation between the implementation ...