Coaching & Mentoring

Coaching & Mentoring

A person's motivation to achieve long-term goals only stays strong when they have a firm internal commitment to that particular outcome.

Coaching & Mentoring
  • Commitment

    A person's motivation to achieve long-term goals only stays strong when they have a firm internal commitment to that particular outcome.

  • Execution

    The job of the coach is to neither pull nor push his or her colleague in a predetermined direction, but instead to allow them to find their own journey.

  • Potential

    Coaching must be based on the assumption that every person has the Potential to grow and become something greater.

  • Trust

    Without trust, any attempt to coach a colleague will be fruitless and helping them to take the risks needed to reach their full potential will be close to impossible.

  • Whats The Mission? Part 1

    Your number one goal should be to challenge your colleagues to chase their fulfillment and fully express their true selves.

  • Whats The Mission? Part 2

    When coaching, it's important to establish what your colleague's 'big picture' is in terms of their highest goals.

  • Choosing Congruency

    Vocal and physical congruency of what you say and do are paramount to building trust and rapport with others.

  • Mirror & Adapt

    When people are in total rapport, they mirror each other non-verbally through something called limbic synchrony.

  • Tap Into Your Curiosity

    The more you actively enjoy being curious, the more natural and gratifying the coaching or mentoring experience will be for you.

  • The Importance Of Listening

    It's impossible to coach, mentor or lead others successfully without mastering the art of genuinely listening, which can be harder than it sounds.

  • Three Coaching Questions

    This film focuses on three big coaching questions that the aspiring coach will find very helpful.

  • Trust Your Intuition

    When coaching you will sometimes have hunches about a situation. This video looks at how to handle your hunches.

  • What Is Guided Discovery?

    Guided discovery is when a coach sets the framework or agenda, but allows the colleague to discover the answer for themselves.

  • Accountable

    In the FACTS model, the letter A stands for accountable in reference to holding your colleague accountable for the commitments they make.

  • Courageous

    In the FACTS model, C stands for courageous since the pursuit of big goals often involves courage.

  • Face Up To The Facts

    FACTS is an acronym for an alternative approach to coaching that in some circumstances may be more effective than traditional methods.

  • Feedback

    In the FACTS model the F is about the important subject of providing your colleague with feedback to assist them in their coaching.

  • System Thinking

    In the FACTS model the S stands for system thinking, since a coach's job is to raise the colleague's awareness of the system they work in as a whole.

  • Tension

    In the FACTS model the T stands for tension since the model suggests that tension is required in coaching to achieve optimal performance.

  • The Coaching Group

    The more you're able to exchange tips, thoughts and experiences with your fellow delegates, the more your entire organisation can grow and develop.

  • Actions - Coaching & Mentoring

    Successful coaches or mentors bring out the very best in others. What a tremendous gift to be able to share, but to achieve it takes deliberate action.