Women's Leadership Training Course

Women's Leadership Training Course

Women leaders excel by communicating effectively and navigating workplace dynamics with confidence. This course is designed to empower you with the strategies needed to influence others and lead with impact. You’ll learn how to articulate your vision, build strong professional relationships, and overcome challenges unique to women in leadership. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to lead with confidence, making a meaningful difference in your organisation and beyond.

Women's Leadership Training Course
  • Conscious vs Unconscious

    As women in leadership, there are many ways that we communicate our comfort levels with our positions, both unconsciously and consciously.

    By becoming acutely aware of your inner critic and the communication style you might tend towards, you can begin to shift your unconscious communication to m...

  • Getting Curious

    Now that you're beginning to hear your Inner Critic, it's time to get curious about its intentions. In her book, 'A Return to Love', Marianne Williamson famously writes, our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not ...

  • Identifying

    The first step to managing an inner critic is to identify it, which can often be tricky. Since the inner critic is a construct of the imagination, it can duck and hide in the recesses of the mind so it doesn't get found out.

  • Introduction To Conscious vs. Unconscious Communication

    Author Steven Covey writes anything less than a conscious commitment to the important, is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant.

    The only elements we have influence over in the workplace are the ways we communicate and the ways we react. That's the good news. The bad news is we don't real...

  • Introduction To The Inner Critic

    In the last video we referred to negative self-talk. In the next couple of videos we're going to go a little bit more in-depth on negative self-talk and how to work with it so it empowers, rather than cripples.

  • Managing

    Personal Development author Alan Cohen wrote, if you gave your inner genius as much credence as your inner critic, you would be light years ahead of where you now stand. Now that you've identified your inner critic, imagine how far you could go if that voice were not running the show.

  • Positive Self-Talk

    As you become more and more adept at noticing your inner critic at the moment, you'll become more adept at shutting it down, on the spot.

  • Self Sabotage

    Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." This video is about some of the ways women self-sabotage in the workplace. Do you recognise any of these elements in yourself?

  • Women's History

    In the days before women had rights, how did they survive? Research shows that one of the ways was by making sure they were liked. Of course, likability is a crucial component to being effective at work. However if this factor is overdone, it can lead to challenges in how people perceive you.

  • Best Self vs. True Self

    Amy Cuddy, author of the book 'Presence', writes, "You're looking to be yourself, indeed, your best and strongest self. It's important to understand what you believe, what you value, and what your abilities are."

  • Core Values

    Author Kevin Daum writes, "You don't know your core values until you've articulated them clearly in writing and tested them through daily decision-making."

  • Deepening Your Values

    In this video we explore more exercises to deepen your connection and exploration of your personal value system. After the explanation of each exercise, pause the video, and jot down some notes.

  • Introduction To Personal Brand

    Simon Sinek, Author of 'Start with Why' writes, "People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe."

    Developing a strong personal brand is what can set us apart in business. It's the unique set of values and beliefs that people perceive in us, w...

  • Living Your Core Values

    The great Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw said, the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. In order to live our core values we must be consistent with our behaviour and communication.

  • Value Strings

    When we talk about values, most people tend to go for the obvious ones like integrity, or honesty, which is a great starting point. But what do those words mean to you specifically, that might be different to others?

  • Values - Conclusion

    Roy Disney famously said, it's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. Values are not morals or shoulds. Values are an internal barometer that tell us when we're on the right path, and when we're not.

  • Your Big Picture Brand

    We've been on a journey to find out how your brand can help you have a more influential presence in the work place. Living your core values or Brand every day is vital to not only to your career, but also to your well-being.

  • Actions - Women Leadership

    Phil Daniels, a psychology professor at Brigham Young University, is credited with devising a process called start, stop, keep. This technique suggests you ask yourself the following questions: What should I start doing? What should I stop doing? What should I keep doing?

  • Women's Leadership: Course Notes

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