Executive Presence

Executive Presence

Rather than being consumed by all the things that have gone wrong, focusing on small steps and achieving them can be a powerful tool.

Executive Presence
  • The Three Pillars

    Executive Presence is built on three pillars: Your style, your substance, and your character.

  • Audience Is A Mirror

    New research points to something important. We are wired to connect with, learn from, and be affected by the people around us.

  • Body Language, Posture, Gestures, Stillness

    According to psychologist Albert Mehrabian, 55% of the impact of your communication is based on how you look.

  • Breathe

    Breath couldn't be more important in our ability to communicate. It not only keeps us alive, but is the fuel for a confident sounding voice.

  • Clarity, Articulation, Projection, Pace

    One of the clearest signals of your presence as a leader is the vocal clarity of your message: your projection, your pace, and your articulation.

  • Economy

    Functional MRI's reveal that simpler language stimulates more parts of the listener's brain than typical business waffling.

  • Energy

    Energy is the key to delivering your message in a way that stimulates the people around you.

  • Eye Contact & Body Focus

    Always look them in the eye'. We associate relaxed and sustained eye contact with people who are telling the truth.

  • Mind/Body Connection Is A Two Way Street

    The mind-body connection is a two-way street, feeling self-assured leads to open body language and a confident voice.

  • Practic Preparation

    We've all heard the saying 'practice makes perfect'. But in this case, perfection isn't the goal, authenticity is.

  • Style Introduction

    Style is the 'how of your communication'. This section will talk about the simple techniques you can master to display your confidence, enthusiasm, and ease.

  • Tone

    We have a massive vocal range at our disposal but much of the time we use only a tiny percentage of it.

  • Authenticity

    Authenticity is important because if we're all style, and no substance, some might say we are just an 'empty suit'.

  • Character Introduction

    Character is the foundation of your presence. It's the sum total of you: your values, beliefs, talents, and formative experiences.

  • Emergence Arc 1 - Victories

    The path to leadership is rarely a straight line. It's full of twists and turns, highs and lows, triumphs and challenges, this is called your Emergence Arc.

  • Emergence Arc 2 - Setbacks

    Failure should be our teacher but it can be painful to look closely at. But reframing and communicating your failures can have unexpected benefits.

  • Integrity

    Mahatma Gandhi famously said, 'Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are all in Harmony.'

  • Values

    When the going gets tough, we're often fighting or fleeing and may not be in alignment with our values, as we simply try to survive the situation.

  • Empathy

    Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes and to identify with the feelings they may have, and adapt your message accordingly.

  • Listening

    We have to know how to listen, when to stop talking and when to take the focus off ourselves and put it onto the other person.

  • Presence In Action

    All the skills and exercises in this course are designed to build a foundation of self-awareness, self-confidence, and authenticity.

  • Storytelling Structure

    This is a very hot topic in business right now. The ability to turn your message into a compelling story is key to influencing or inspiring others to act.

  • Storytelling Tools

    This film looks at some tools that will help make the story even more engaging: Sensory language, Emotional language, and I-Present Language.

  • Substance Introduction

    In this section, we'll talk about the importance of Storytelling, and how to structure a story in a way that is engaging and inspiring.