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Up Next in Confidence & Self-Esteem Training Course

  • The Pep Talk

    The Pep Talk. You might have seen other people giving themselves a good talking to in front of the mirror before a big event, either in films or in real life. But have you ever done it? It may seem silly, but it's a habit worth acquiring.

  • The Posture Exercise Plan

    We hear it all the time, sit up straight if you want to come across well. Stand tall if you want to be taken seriously. Does slouching really have a negative effect?. According to a review of more than 100 studies, poor posture can be linked to: breathing problems | falls | depression.

  • The Power Pose

    Our body and mind are intrinsically connected. The way we stand, walk or hold ourselves changes the way we feel. For example, the Power Pose is used by people in need of instant confidence, before an interview, before delivering a presentation.